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Guidance Towards HREDD Due Diligence Practices


€ 0,00

  • Crucial for global companies to adopt human rights and environmental due diligence.
  • Align company practices with HREDD good practices.
  • Expert guidance on strategic and operational aspects of HREDD.
  • Special Internet Prices: Exclusive online rates categorised into tiers and tailored for you:

    • 15-Minute Free Consultation: Initial discussion to assess needs and provide basic guidance.

    • Half-Day Consultancy: €600 for a comprehensive review and tailored recommendations.

    • Full-Day Consultancy: €1200 for an in-depth consultation, including detailed assessments and strategic planning.

Consultancy Tiers

What is it?

    • Explanation of HREDD practices' meaning and benefits for the company.
    • Understanding steps to implement solid HREDD practices.
    • Guidance on work packages and action plans for HREDD implementation.

What do I learn?

    • Establishing risk management practices for human rights and environmental issues.
    • Identifying and managing relevant risks in the company and supply chain.
    • Practical organization and understanding of HREDD within the company.

How does it benefit me?

    • Implement robust HREDD risk management structures.
    • Ready to practically implement HREDD legislation.
    • Establish effective communication about HREDD activities with stakeholders.

How can I apply this?

    • Implement policies and processes in risk areas.
    • Increase awareness about key risk areas among management and staff.
    • Strengthen business resilience and meet customer/legal requirements.

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